Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru

National Assembly for Wales

Bil Awtistiaeth (Cymru) drafft

Draft Autism (Wales) Bill

Arolwg Ar-lein DAB40

Online Survey DAB40

Ymateb gan Cyfrannog ar-lein 40

Evidence from Online Participant 40

Please refer to questions in the Online Survey.





Autism is not a spectrum disorder. It is best characterised as a 'family resemblance'. The confused nosology of autism suggests that what we call 'autism' is more than one condition. Wittgenstein is right on two counts - 1) the language we use had destroyed our understanding of things; 2) the condition is best described by his philosophical device' family resemblance. Wittgenstein probably never even heard the word 'autism' but still got it right.



For a number of reasons - one of them being the industry that disability has become. Another reason is that 'autism' is not one condition and too broad already.



They are useless. Public bodies merely follow tick box, tokenistic and legalistic exercises. Autism is farmed and is a career for many. 'Charities' and schools are often awful. Schools, ones that are disability friendly and schools that are disability friendly - are useless, parasitic and things don't seem to get any better. The rights' industry is a blight on justice. The people who benefit from the emotional blackmail of the disability industry are the main beneficiaries of this kind of thinking. Apparently 'radical' disability activists who follow the laughable and philosophically incoherent social model of disability are far too conservative and reactionary to make genuinely critical observations. If you really want change in schools why do we persist with our failing compulsory education system? Parental choice is the only vehicle. Can't see anyone in PC Wales accepting that reality.



Assembly has power over two roads - can't do that. We have the worst education, health and economy in western Europe - and you want more power? I have worked in schools and 'highly professional teachers' have not got a clue. The system is useless, cruel a


Yes. Get our economy right. Put roads right. Abolish the current council system. Introduce parental choice in education because experts are morons and have an almost unparalleled track record of failure and heads cannot run schools. The only thing compuls


Do the stuff you can do. For individuals this means standing up straight, keeping things tidy and fixing your diet. When you've done that - get a purpose, routines and self-respect. For a govt, it means stop bloody interfering in people's lives. You don't


Yes, don't do it. All you will do is take yet more money from tax payers, give it to the staff who work in disability farming and then isolate people who feel let down by your tick box and tokenistic culture. Why do we need yet more institutions that are


I don't believe clinicians have this right. Why would I support such timescales? Guaranteed timescales to an error  - at least a misconception arising from language? Why?



See above.



They should be doctors - end of! They should also be independent of budget considerations. Why social workers

 are even considered is a mystery to me. Partly diagnosed by people who have studied sociology?????!!!!!

How can a 'professional' with an oxymoronic job title be any use? What's more this is a recipe for devaluing the currency and making our incompetent services take cheap options, further down the line. I'd rather be diagnosed by a baboon.  No joke here, but they often smell damp and have that tofu and self-righteous charity shop odour about them. This is often grossly unpleasant for the hyper-sensitive.


Get our definitions right. Move ahead after that.


Yes, reality.




It should be written in the guidance.

Less committed that way. Flexibility is key.



Govt services cannot function adequately now. Why place further burden on them? Furthermore, when the Assembly finally gets round to putting the parasites of local govt out to grass - the Assembly's job is to construct bodies which may balance or check it


Not sure

I have not been given a 'NO' option. How dare you think someone would not reject you loopy ideas? Raising awareness should be done by society's 'little platoons' and families. I cannot believe you assume the awful and incompetent govt machine should decide what is to be done and how it is to be done. Fix the bloody M4 instead and give me back a bin that doesn't fall over in a bloody gust. Also, abolish my useless employer.


The Bill, as presented, is awful. It reinforces the kind of rubbish we have now. What you need is yet more paradigmatic confirmation from expensively contracted academics. Chuck millions at an academic and he'll prove you have succeeded - so why ask me? The wider govt machine does the same thing for all aspects of public policy and the wider public policy process.


You mean daft Bill?

 It was worked out in the 1960s that it cost $5 to give away $1. This famous Chicago School  study has been repeated.

Furthermore, problem families often have up to a quarter of a million pa pumped into their houses - this is all a 's